Josh Lawrence wrote:
I'm trying the list one more time in the hopes that someone might have
missed this the first time...
I've been attempting to compile a .deb kernel that has these
attributes (patches/modules):
* rt-preempt
* squashfs
* aufs
...and have failed miserably, many many times. I'm hoping that some
of the liveCD devs on this list might have one already done that they
could share with me. If you do, please let me know.
Again, *very* sorry for posting this a second time, I'm just desperate. :)
Make one yourself with a little help...…
Use the musix repo, and install with apt-get or the synaptic:
# Repositorios de Musix GNU+Linux /etc/apt/sources.list
deb ./
# Musix-testing
# deb ./
And for unstable/ sidux:
Hope it will help you..