Hello Chris,
Thank you for your suggestions.
I tried the low pass cut-off at 60Hz and I have added The Warmtube plugin
after the low pass and before the Harmonic shifter in the hope to add more
The result is much better, I don't say it is perfect, but it is not any more
like the 80's sono
I will try to work on settings like the sharpness of the low pass filter,
right now it's a pretty sharp filter, may be it was not a good idea in terms
of harmonics.
I'll report latter.
Hello Tweed,
/Are you trying to generate a resultant? Basically are you trying to
replace the fundamental (in this case the actual low end) with the 'phantom'
fundamental generated by adding 2 harmonics above (musically, the octave
and octave plus 5th above that) to the actual fundamental and then somehow
removing the actual fundamental? /
I'm trying to generate the phantom fundamental and remove the fundamental,
that is right.
And I think that I did it.
But, I would like to have not only the second harmonic generated (60 Hz, the
fundamental becomes 120 Hz), I would like also to have 180, 240, 300, etc...
That is what I have added the TubeWarmer harmonic generator inside my
filter, it is set for adding harmonics like a triode tube.
I will make some measurments tomorow to check if it is working or not.
Anyway, the sound is already better.
Thank you all.
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