Folderol wrote:
[ ... ]
I've just noticed this today too. The refresh of the numbers seems to
track the bars continuously rather than remembering the highest value
they got to.
yep, there's way been too much fiddling going on with those
numbers. But
then the fiddling came about in trying to eliminate the gui requiring the
lock just to get the display values, which is definitely worth pursuing.
Some refinement is required though.
On the subject of the metering display behaving erratically (as distinct
from displaying incorrect values) ... standard zyn refreshes the gui at
25 fps, and to my mind that leaves the metering looking unduly sluggish.
I've noticed consistent comment along the way (LAU/LAD?) that there's no
point refreshing such display elements faster than 60 or so times per
second. Yoshi currently uses 50, which I quite like, but if others hate it
I'm interested to hear.
I don't normally notice as it's usually
covered by the Rosegarden
Matrix display :)
I don't get any other problems though. No crackles etc.
and again, phew!