On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 09:11:04PM -1000, david wrote:
I understand the old phone system audio was optimized
for one thing:
human speech. Narrow frequency range centered around the average
human speech range. Listening to music over that was horrible!
My cheap cell phone plays music far better than any landline phone ever did.
I use a lot of four-wire landlines at work, which are considerably "flatter"
than normal phone circuits. You can order bare copper with flat response to about 10kHz
which used to be used for broadcast links apparently. The new AOD stuff is more reliable
(and can be switched like telephone calls, unlike hardwired links) but is restricted to
"telephone bandwidth" by the digital codecs used.
They're still hellish expensive though, at roughly eight grand per year per link ;-)
Gordonjcp MM0YEQ