adding my grain of salt in this thread ;)
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 21:33:45 +0200, Robert Jonsson wrote / a écrit:
So... the scenario might be comparable to if you and
your mate (sorry,
jam-peer!) would be standing some 10 meters apart.
And we should add that the music will sound totally clear from the computer. If the sound
had to really travel 10 m through air, loss and noise will come with it.
Probably not ideal, but I
think it would be workable.
I agree. I found that larger latencies (100 < latency < 200) are usable for having
fun. I mean I have used softsynths on a computer without tuning latency and without beeing
Although I'm not a programmer, I'd really like to have this tool for playing with
distant friends.
Change your Linux PC in a Rythm Station with holborn's GMORGAN:
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.)