Arnold Krille wrote:
On Tuesday 08 December 2009 16:19:14 Dave Phillips
These quotes are from the site:
"The room impulse responses (presets) which come with /HybridReverb2/
are property of the Institute of Communication Acoustics,
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, and are free for non-commercial use. The VST
plugin is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL)."
"... the source code for the convolution library /libHybridConv/
(included in "HybridReverb2-2.0.2_20091104.tgz") ... is available under
the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). "
Clear ?
So with a free impulse-response all should be well?
But why use a VST plugin under linux to apply an IR when there is already
jconvolver present?
*me wonders*
Hi Arnold,
Some reasons come to this mind:
A functional GUI.
Better sound.
I prefer the color yellow with my reverb's UI.
VST plugins mean the world to me.
Just some possible answers to your question. They are not necessarily
valid, true, or believable, they're just possible replies.