> I've
managed to solve the problem by installing (upgrading) all the
> libpcre* stuff. :)
I have the libpcre3, 7.3-2.
There are however also libpcre++ packages which are not conflictin with
the others. Which ones are you referring to and, I assume that ardour
needs what I already have
I've actually installed the lates versions of both libpcre3 and
libpcre++. Than my ardourvst firestarted without recompilation. That's
all I know by the moment.
OK, installed the ++ flavors as well.
Did not help.
This stuff is libraries for perl-like regular expression parsing. Where
did you get the idea that this was touching ardour-vst? Maybe that will
point to something else
Well, when I tried to debug ardourvst in wine, I got the message saying
"libglib-2.0.so.0: unresolved reference to pcre_dont_remember_what".
When then I tried to build Ardour without VST support, I got very
similar error but at link time. After a not-so-quick (and totally
unsuccessful) googling I decided to blindly install/update everything
"pcre". And than -- bingo! That's my story.
I am recompiling without vst right now. So far NO
errors but we will see.
Libglib is of course a general object. I doubt is
ardour requires pcre
anything, but who knows?
So the whole thing build and installed fine. The program starts up, starts
checking the ladspas and all until ...
/usr/local/lib/ardour2/ardour-2.1: symbol lookup
error: /usr/lib/libgnomecanvas-2.so.0: undefined symbol: art_alloc
There is a libart in the builds but nothing bawked.