Am Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013, 17:50:17 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
On Sun, 2013-12-22 at 04:53 -0500, David Santamauro
|: Bm D :| A
|: Bm D :| A F#
Assumed this is correct, just transposed, than the "Repeat two time" of
the guitar tab is double wrong. With ||: :|| I meant that it's written
one time "normal" + one time ||: :||. 1 + repeat 2 times = 3 times. The
guitar tab by the link seems to be a very rough or perhaps completely
wrong transcription. Transposed this way the E of the link wouldn't be a
F# but a G.
1. David is right in that the song is in B-minor
2. I guess Philipp can work out the structure of the song and is not so much concerned
about repeat signs or B<->H (the tab page i posted is written in english, for an
international audience, I assume)
3. F# is correct, the dominant to Bm just like E is the dominant to Am
4. I listened to the song on YT now and i hear that the pianist uses a lot of additional
notes inside the chords, mainly the ninth in Bm and D, as well as "walking
thirds" like a-c#, b-d, c#-e at the transition from Bm to D, so that the Bm and D
chords end up sounding with additional notes -
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