On 16/07/13 08:08, Jeremy Jongepier wrote:
On 07/16/2013 02:19 AM, Nicola wrote:
Hi all,
now that i have some spare time to invest i was trying to control my RPI
headless with my tablet (nexus 7 with android).
I saw jeremy's video
(great job man!) that was so inspiring and i've tried to follow his steps.
I was able to make it work but i miss only 1 piece to the chain...
Is there any possibility to run qmidinet headless without the gui?
I can't make a script at boot working in this way 'cause i disabled X on
my rpi.
Any suggestion?
Thank you
Hi Nicola,
I'm using multimidicast myself, it's in my RPI repository. Example
script here:
Thank you very much for sharing Jeremy!
I was trying to use qmidinet that automatically associates multicast to alsa and jack midi
ports so then you can connect quimidinet out to the soundcard output with jack_connect,
pretty easy.
The matter is that it needs an X session to run (at least AFAIK...)
However great script!
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