Julien Claassen a écrit :
Hey everyone!
Ive got a few questions/assumpotions, i'd like to have your opinion about.
Clarification: I don't use GUI, because I can't. I have to go by ear.
Equalisation; Assume using Fons Adriaesen's LADSPA EQ (filters.so Unique ID:
Doing compression on filtered bands: I again go for
bass, mid (rhtym
instrument and perhaps main voice) and high (lead sounds and all the
overtones). Again I choose based on the key of the piece. Good choice? About
compression: I usually have high compression ratio on the bass (as a starting
point), mid ratio on the mid range and a high ratio again on the overtones.
Good starting decision (assuming a basic pop/rock setup: bass, drums, rhythm
instrument, voice and lead)? Or should I go for the peaky instruments?
Just an idea
(non tested!) on compression at mastering time: assuming a
mapping from voices to bandwidth may sometime be not relevant: that way
would cause compression issues on stereophonic takes (piano, cymbals
overheads, any ambiance pair). May be switching from the R+L master to
an M+S working copy (non-destructive) would help to isolate accurately
instruments and apply compression on the M track only ? This is an open
question. (*) M = (Left + Right)/2 ; S = (Left - Right)/2
- ben