Thanks for your response,
Paul Davis a écrit :
JACK handles one and only one ALSA PCM device per
"direction" (playback,
capture). Generally, it is run using the same PCM device for both
ALSA can be used to "merge" soundcards together but:
1) there is rarely a good reason to do this, *especially* with
cheap audio interfaces.
Well my hope was to be able to mix different sources, for exemple to be
able to plug audio sources (audio player or output from another
computer) in both line-in of the cards and be able to mix it with
different output of player(s) (software) on this machine.
Mixing console (hardware) should be more simple to use :)
2) if there is a good reason (such as when using
high end interfaces with word clock sync), ALSA doesn't
seem to do a particular good job and its hellish to
handle the config file syntax for setting it up unless
you are already a programmer or want to be.
You're right: I have looked around alsa configuration but it seems to be
to hard for me to do what I would like to :)