Last Thursday 12 August 2004 23:59, Jan Depner was
documentation should be written by newbies
because the
authors are usually too close to the apps and are too familiar with them
(it should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer...). So,
how about some of the users start in with documenting how they use the
apps, what problems they had, or anything else that might help?
There was a BBC Kid's TV presenter called Jonny Ball, who used to go out
every week and learn about some subject that he knew nothing about and then
come back and present a live TV show all about it. He was so enthused by
what he'd just learned, but just as new to the jargon as his audience that
it made for a highly entertaining and educational kids TV show. I grokked
several science and maths concepts from his show that mainstream education
had previously failed to convey.
Is there any kind of centralised listing of what's doc'd and what's not?
Let me guess. ;-)