Here's another problem I've run into after a SUSE upgrade.
I used to be able to hang an Edirol UA1X off one USB port and an Edirol UM2
off a second USB port - both were recognized and usable (this was on SUSE 9.1
- 2.6.5.xx) at the same time in Rosegarden, JACK.
I've ugraded to SUSE 9.2 - (kernel 2.6.8) and while both are recognized (I can
see them both in Rosegarden, JACK) I can only use one at a time. In other
words, when I try to output to a MIDI port while the audio I/F is plugged in,
I get no MIDI output to the UM2. As soon as I unplug the UA1X, I'm able to
output the the MIDI ports.
Any ideas?
Thanks for any help.