On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Iain Duncan <iainduncanlists(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hey folks, I'm wondering if people can let me know
which pad/knob
controllers they know to work well if you're going to use them in home
brewed linux rigs. IE, which ones can be configured flexibly to send
whatever I want from the pads and knobs, and won't turn out to be kinda
useless if I'm not using commercial software with them.
most OSC-sending devices can be reprogrammed to send whatever it
necessary. they'd be pretty useless without that, because there are
more or less zero standardized OSC messages. the set you need to
control ableton is totally different from the set you need to control
<foobar>. however, in a number of cases, the reprogramming tool runs
only on proprietary OS platforms.