On 6/21/06, Hiram Abiff <domain.admin(a)online.ie>
Quoting Mark Knecht
There are a few things to discover:
1) Are you running Jack as root or a user?
- First, try running Jack as root and see if these problems go away.
Gruß Dich, Mark
I tried running it as root, works great.
I recompiled my kernel with the required module, I created a realtime
group, added my user to it and loaded the module. lsmod reports
it's loaded. However, I still get the same error messages when running
muse. :(
It may be the way you are loading the realtime module. Here's how I do
it at boot time on my Gentoo box in /etc/modules.autoload/kernel-2.6:
realtime gid=600 any=1
and here is how I set up my group:
mark@lightning ~ $ cat /etc/group | grep realtime
mark@lightning ~ $
Nothing more than that and I work fine.
lightning ~ # modinfo realtime
filename: /lib/modules/2.6.17-rt1/extra/realtime.ko
license: GPL
description: Realtime Capabilities Security Module
vermagic: 2.6.17-rt1 preempt mod_unload gcc-3.4
license: GPL
description: Standard Linux Common Capabilities Security Module
vermagic: 2.6.17-rt1 preempt mod_unload gcc-3.4
parm: any: grant realtime privileges to any process. (int)
parm: gid: the group ID with access to realtime privileges.
parm: mlock: enable memory locking privileges. (int)
lightning ~ #
Hope this helps,
And here is houw I
With ubuntu and 2.6.17-rt1 I load it in this way
realtime gid=29 wich is the audio group