On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 16:10 +0200, Atte André Jensen wrote:
I've done a remix of one of my older tunes for my
project "modlys". It's
a bit harder than usual, actually I know that this style is simply too
much for some (most?) people. But I share it here anyways, hoping
someone enjoys it...
Generally that might be. Though quite a number of mainstream productions
have a brutality to them that you can't top ;)
I think there's quite a number of people in lad/lau that enjoy stuff
like Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, The Flashbulb ... so none of us should
worry about being too harsh, crazy or esoteric here (shouldn't anyway).
From pink fluffy mellow melodies to maniac machines of
mayhem, chances
are good to find a receptive audience here.
Oh well, just was in the mood to blather a bit.
Thanks for sharing!
Thorsten Wilms
thorwil's design for free software: