On 10/08/2017 03:20 AM, Athanasios Silis wrote:
Hi all and thank you for your immediate responses.
In the end what I was looking for was not the "midi through port" but a
virtual midi port.
To do that I had to add in /etc/modules-load.d/audio.conf
snd-virmidi midi_devs=1 index=5
then I could see
$ amidi -l
Dir Device Name
..... (other devices) .....
IO hw:5,0 Virtual Raw MIDI (16 subdevices)
and at the same time it would show up in jack's "midi" tab
then I could simply use it as
amidi -phw:5,0 -S <hexbytes>
and the midi msg was surely enough sent correctly to the HW controller.
Thank you for your help!
I hope this helps others as well
Fwiw I created something similar a few years ago, maybe it could be
helpful in this context too: