Is pulseaudio
useful? or can I remove it?
I've only used Pulseaudio in the context of a review of media players
for Ubuntu 8.04. At that time and for that purpose it performed fine,
but I don't know how it interoperates with JACK or other servers. AFAIK
you can remove it, but you'll probably find that it's a dependency for
many other apps. Boo-hiss for that factor. :(
I'm learmning about Ubuntu 8.10 now as a matter of necessity. So far so
good, but I've yet to muck about with the Pulseaudio stuff. Nothing
against the software itself, but I don't need it, don't want it, and
would like to cleanly remove it.
I got rid of pulseaudio because it manhandled the sound in Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
However, in Intrepid and Jaunty, pulse is integrated into bootup commands.
You have to cleanly remove it with the following:
sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio