I have recently added the Jack MIDI support [1] to Incudine [2].
The incudine command is optional but if you are able to install it,
the follow script is a simple jack-midi-dump in Common Lisp:
chmod +x jack-midi-dump
The directory incudine/doc contains a man page for the incudine command.
#!/usr/local/bin/incudine --script
(defvar *midiin* (jackmidi:open))
(setf (logger-level) :info)
(setf (logger-time) nil)
(make-responder *midiin*
(lambda (st d1 d2)
(cond ((jackmidi:sysex-message-p st)
(msg info "~S"
(jackmidi:input-stream-sysex-octets *midiin*)))
(t (msg info "~D ~D ~D" st d1 d2)))))
(recv-start *midiin*)
(msg info "Press <Enter> to exit.")
P.S. a score file (called rego file) for incudine is emacs org-mode friendly;
there is a useless but extreme example in /path/to/incudine/tests/rego/org-mode.rego