I love it. I really really love it! I must look into terminator X.
On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 13:54 +0200, Andrew Lewis wrote:
It's a mash-up of other artists stuff, so it can
be considered
non-free/probably copyright infringement - if you are the artist or their
representation, please don't sue!
^^ There's a part2 azwell, which isn't quite as good....
This was all done with TerminatorX, completely live and un-edited.
I'm using TerminatorX to make some mixes of my original material too (which
I'm sorry to say at this point - was made mostly with 'that other OS', but my
Linux stuff is coming along). I'm very interested in GDAM but at this point,
haven't managed to get it to make noise yet. ;( Also interested in using
TerminatorX to make original compositions.
Yesterday was women's day in South Africa, thus the night before was 'Ladies
Artists I should credit (those of which I can remember in any case):
part1: Kevin Blechdom, Minibosses, Dev/Null, Xanopticon, Maldoror
part2: Radiohead, Gold Chains & Sue Cie, Nirvana, Vladislav Delay, Some
bollywood music I forget :\
Completely unrelated to linux music or this post but plz checkout this very
xcellent artist:
And this great artist who introduced me to him:
That will be all,