Hello again,
Through our magnificient 12kbps upload system, it goes on.
A second tune, called History (former called Inch) is now online here:
You will find quite similar instrument on this one.
On the following one, there will be some things a bit more "exotic"!
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 06:50:08PM +0100, Aurelien wrote :
So, we finally managed to find a solution to send all of this online
(using a transit server, which is more nice with small connexions as
So, Ardour Sessions and audiofiles for a first tune has reached
archive.org, see here:
The tune is called Factory of Dreams, and has been played by
Sebkha-Chott on their third album
Nigla[h] - Tapisseries Fines en XXX Strips et LXX/X Trompettes,
produced by the AMMD (
www.ammd.net) and distributed
worldwidely by Muséa Records (
www.musearecords.com), in 2008.
[short description of what you may find in it below]
Enjoy!!! And don't hesitate to let the information propagate.
The foolowing tunes will arrive next weeks and monthes. There are still
6 tunes for this album, 7 other for Sebkha-Chott's next album De La
Persistance de la Mythologie Chottienne en ??? Vélos (AMMD/Muséa
Records - 2009), and 9 other tunes for Lemurya's first album Soma
(AMMD/Muséa Records - 2010) coming.
See you.
Type: Ardour sessions and audiofiles of Factory of Dreams, published on
Sebkha-Chott (
www.sebkhachott.net)'s third albm Nigla[h] - Tapisseries
Fines en XXX Strips et LXX/X Trompettes, recorded and produced in Summer
2008 by the AMMD (
www.ammd.net) and distributed worldwidely by Muséa
Records (
Production details
Preamplification: TL-Audio Ivory II 5001 (hybrid technology lamp and
Converters: Yamaha DM2000 & Alesis HD 24 XR
Clock: RME HDSP 9652
What you may find in it:
- Drum kit : GMS Great Master Series Kit including:
+ 20" kick (2 mics):
- 1 Shure Beta 91 inside
- 1 Shure Beta 52 behind, slightly "uncentered"
+ 16" kick: Electrovoice RE20
+ Toms (8", 10", 12", 14", 16"): Beyerdynamic Opus 88
+ "Middle-head": (3x) Neumann KM 184 (dispatched around the drum
kit, height similar to toms)
+ Over-head: (2x) AKG C414 XLS (placed in stereo couple, facing
the drums as the drummer does, height about 2m)
- Basses (converted through a bass POD XT PRO and AES/EBU transmission):
+ Leduc U-Bass MM Custom Shop Fretless 6-strings
+ Conklin 5-strings
- Electric Guitars (converted through a guitar POD XT PRO and AES/EBU transmission):
+ Lag the Beast
+ Vigier Arpege
+ Yamaha and Epiphone "like Gretsch" guitars
- Keyboards : Korg M3 (recorded digitally, and through the pres)
- Trombones/Saxophones section: (2x) AkG C414 XLS (placed in
stereo couple, left to right: trombone 1, trombone 2,
barytone saxophone, alto saxophone, soprano saxophone)
+ Trombones: (2x) Sennheiser MD 421 U
+ Barytone saxophone: Electrovoice RE20
+ Alto saxophone: Shure Beta 56
+ Soprano saxophone: Shure Beta 56 and Electrovoice RE20
- Cajon:
+ Shure Beta 91 inside
+ Shure Beta 52 outside (front)
- Vocals: Neumann TLM 103
- Machines: straight to pres
- Glockenspiel: (2x) AKG C414 XLS
[hope I didn't miss anything]
On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 12:23:30PM +0100, Aurelien wrote :
As you may have noticed, we currently aren't able to upload those very
big tar.gz files. It's a shame, but we cannot get it working without
flash installed, from our very far from town place!
Hope to fix this soon.
See you.
On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 09:40:30AM +0200, Aurelien wrote :
(pre-prost-scriptum: improtant informations are quite below!!!)
I think I didn't any announcement here before, but the label I created
some years ago, and work in by now, released two albums fully realized
with free softwares (on a Debian GNU/Linux distribution) in 2008:
Sebkha-Chott - Nigla[h] / Tapisseries Fines en XXX Strips et LXX/X Trompettes
Sebkha-Chott - De la Persistance de la Mythologie Chottienne en ??? Vélos
Both those albums are distributed internationally by the label Muséa
Records, and you may find them, freely downloadable and/or to purchase
and at a lot of other places on the web. You also might find numerous
review of those albums, in Google, and so on.
OK, that's it for the presentation.
Actually, it took us a lot of time, but we finally sent the whole tracks
of the 14 multitracks session (in ardour) and the session them selves on
archive.org, so that you can use them freely.
it's quite big big big sessions, as Sebkha-Chott used to be 8 people at
that time and invited something like 25-30 guests to play with. So you
might find something like 100-150 (even 180 on one of them, if I
remember well) tracks by song.
For Nigla[h], there are two options: we did tarball of each ardour
sessions directory and we also bounced every tracks in one file, so that
you can manage to use them in another multitrack editor.
We then thought about it, and had the conclusion that it was a really
hard work for us to do all these bounces and exports, and finally it
essentially was destined to people using proprietary softwares.
So, for De la Persistance, you will only find the tarballs, as we think
we have to "encourage" people using ardour, or, if they prefer ecasound
or whatever, they probably will be skilled enough to convert the xml
file into something suitable for another soft, or a bit worse, they
always might do all that export stuff and so on.
archive.org links are listed on
Hope you will enjoy it. All our further productions will follow the very
same line (there will be one recording session in November for a
pop-prog-rock band), and we also aim to release some very huge
instruments sample base, as we have the luck to possess a very good
studio, and also very good instrument, including, for example, a true
Harpsichord, as one of us do build Harpsichords!
See you.
Aurélien - AMMD
PS: For off-list further informations, please write to
which is my pro mail, which I don't want to subscribe on this list (and
ammd does spell with two 'm' only! ;)
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