On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Ameur Esseket <esseket.ameur(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Ok friends, thanks for your support. I am new with
ardour, I always used
widows for my recordings with Cubase SX, and since it was always a unique
sound card I didn't have issues.
i don't know how much you actually know about windows audio, but an
analogy from that world would go something like this:
"you're supposed to use Cubase with ASIO, but you've configured ASIO
to talk to a virtual audio device that is actually
routing via the kernel mixer, and is thus adding hundreds or even
thousands of msecs of latency to the signal"
and yes, you could actually do this on windows, but it would take some
effort. the problem on many linux distributions right now is that
they've setup this type of configuration for you, even though its
totally broken for your purposes.