On Thu, 13 Oct 2016 17:36:16 -0400, jonetsu wrote:
artificial intelligence
Should the network of plugins read the users mind?
After asking the above question, I read
So some detection algorithm, not necessarily a pattern recognition,
IOW AI might not be the correct term, should guess what an
audio engineer might want. To some degree this might be possible, since
audio engineering techniques and quality standards are assessable within
in bounds. This guessing game is absolutely impossible regarding the
creative processes of making music. After playing a guitar and singing
with a broken voice similar to Bob Dylan for a circle of fifths
composition, should the network recommend to add fluid-dssi with a harp
soundfont and an arpeggiator playing random pentatonic notes?
I don't want some algorithm to suggest something related to audio
engineering or how to make music. The very most I do, is to learn
myself, I e.g. would read about different recording techniques or
e.g. chord progressions. If an app should help me to search a recording
technique or chord progression, absolutely not interconnected with my
recording project, such apps are ok for my taste. In the end I want to
do the recording and mixing myself, based on my knowledge and taste.
Useful IMO are interconnected plugins that sync to each other,
compensate latency issues, are able to transmit and receive the ability
of special virtual keyboards, that perhaps can't be done by MIDI
messages. This more or less already seems to be possible, but as
noticed by Godfrey's rat already could be overwhelming.