Mark Knecht wrote:
tim hall wrote:
Last Tuesday 24 August 2004 15:20, Paul Winkler
was like:
There was the Linux Audio Quality HOWTO, but since
I stopped
maintaining it, it's very old info now. I'm sorry to discover that this page is
no longer maintained. It's still very
useful as it covers topics not fully explained elsewhere.
I agree. Good info that
would be missed if lost.
May I suggest that either:
* A simple note be added to the page, something like: "The
information on this page was current circa <Red Hat 7.2, KDE 2.1, ...
(or whatever)> but unfortunately, I do not have time to maintain it."
(And then keep the page up "forever" for what its worth. And, if people
are saying "It's still very useful as it covers topics not fully
explained elsewhere. I agree. Good info that would be missed if lost.",
then it is definitely worth something.)
* Give me (or someone else) permission to put it up on a wiki
(WikiLearn) where others can vet and or correct the information.
(Aside: I got hung up in a similar situation where a HOWTO was available
under the GFDL which requires a fair amount of thought and boilerplate
to make use of the information on, for example, a wiki. (Among other
things it required a new (distinct) title.)
Randy Kramer