On Sun, Jan 07, 2007 at 03:47:19PM +0100, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
Dave, do you think there is a place for a softsynth that would be
modular but with a fixed set of modules, everyhing controlled from
one window, no patch cables, only 'hardware controls' such as
sliders and switches, each one assignable to MIDI, and of course
uncompromising audio quality ?
In other words a synth that would be easy to use and optimised for
'live' work, sort of a MiniMoog on steroids ? Polyphonic of course but
not multi-timbral - just start two or three of them if you need that.
In Om, I often find myself building the usual Osc > Filter > Amp
chains (or Amp > Filter). A model that builds on suchs chains,
but allows additional routing could be nice. Maybe with 2 oscs
and filters per chain. It should allow easy layering and rich
CC support.
Another concept worth consideration would be a routing matrix, with
amount of influence in the cells. I asume low to medium complexity
setups could be done very fast, while a graph should be superior
for more complex things.
Thorsten Wilms
Thorwil's Creature Illustrations: