On Friday 07 May 2004 13:36, luis jure wrote:
don't worry, i can also rant about applications
that are not for linux, but
"for gnome" :-)
I run both MusE and Rosegarden4 in openbox3. It does mean that I have to keep
a complete KDE installed, I also keep a complete GNOME install too. The
definitions 'for Linux' / 'for KDE' / 'for GNOME' are not terribly
explanatory. I have to admit that I just accept that that is the way Linux
is. I have heard it mentioned that there is no gtk interface for MIDI
editing. Porting either MusE or Rosegarden would be a big job, which would
require someone having the skills, time & inclination.
For me, It's enough work just learning to use the existing interfaces. I have
nothing but gratitude for anyone who is prepared to freely release their hard
work so the rest of us can get on with making music. Big Thanks :-)
tim hall