On Fri, 2011-01-07 at 17:00 -0200, Bernardo Barros wrote:
Maybe I was just lucky. But with MacOS, Ubuntu and
Fedora I got a few
crashes, never got one with Arch. Maybe just a random thing of life.
One reason would be that since you just install what you want, there
are less variables playing the game. Maybe the packagers don't put new
stuff in her/his packages... Or maybe updated packages tend to have
less bugs. I really don't know why.
I think he was referring to the legendary Debian =).
I use Arch as well, but even without ever having tried Debian I can see
where he's coming from. Rolling release is hard to get right, there's
always upstream problems which can't always be worked around. Arch does
it very well, but 'most stable' isn't the way I'd describe it =)