On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 08:01 -0500, Jan Depner
On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 22:33 -0400, Lee Revell
On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 22:12 -0400, M P Smoak
> So a company that wanted to have a proprietary connection to linux
> could write an open source blob and a closed connection to the blob
> for their closed hardware/software? ie linux remains useable for
> companies.
Not if the closed part was specifically developed to run on Linux. The
key is whether it's a "derived work" as far as copyright law is
concerned or not.
You can develop a closed package to specifically run on Linux. It
is not in violation of the GPL. This is the old Micr$oft "GPL is a
cancer" FUD. What you can't do is use GPL code in a closed application.
I am talking about KERNEL DRIVERS. Please re-read the thread. Of
course you can develop a closed USERSPACE package.
The kernel is GPL. Drivers are part of the kernel. Therefore you
cannot develop a closed source kernel driver.