Joerg Anders said:
use the beam
tool. Is there a shorter way?
No, unfortunately. Perhaps I'll sometimes improve this. But currently I'm
working on a different GPL project. So I can only do only a small support
for NoteEdit.
Thanks for answering! If no secret, which project are you in now?
And - do you mind if I try hacking on NoteEdit? There are a couple similar
entry speed problems (like slurs - also "selection required"), and I
thought I could try, although I'm not at all sure I;ll succeed anytime
soon. However, branching usually stinks, so I'd better ask for the
author's blessing.
Is there some CVS/alpha code out there, so I could hack on the latest
version? Or is 2.3.4 the final code for today?
(Someday I'd like to write the specs and start a new project specifically
for note entry - basically a frontend to one of the text-based note
formats; but I'd like to learn all there is to learn about NoteEdit first,
as this is the closest free projects that exist).
Sincerely yours, Mikhail Ramendik