Hi Stephen,
So, another dumb question from a hardheaded linux
audio user
(is there any other kind? ;-)
There's the highly sexy, me. I estimate one good
looker in the group and couldn't careless if there are
I've got an RME hammerfall lite (9636/52)
I've got a Yamaha AW4416 with an MY8AT module (8
channels ADAT i/o).
I've got fibre cables connecting them together.
Do you mean ADAT cables?
The Yamaha seems happy, reporting 8 channels locked
at 48kHz.
What I don't have is any idea how to get anything
good to
happen on the linux side. I've been googling my
brains out
for the last two or three months, and the very best
I have been able to find anywhere is this 3 year old
Which in turn recommands alsa-lib/doc/asoundrc.txt
which, looking at that, doesn't really help much at
all, I'm afraid,
you pretty much have to know how it works already in
order to make head or tail of it.
Is there any better information out there? I just
to be able to transfer tracks from the PC to the
AW4416, and
back, preferably as many as 8 at a time, or as few
as 1 at
a time, but, judging from my googling, it seems next
to nobody
is doing anything like this.
If your talking about transfering a file rather than
doing a realtime record pass then you are correct;
assuming your using ADAT cables. I'm not aware of an
alternative cable for the 4416 and the RME cards are
ADAT. You can't use those interfaces for file
I would estimate less
than ten
people on the entire planet (and that is my inflated
have an RME hammerfall AND are using the ADAT
Is that about right? Am I that far out in the
The AW4416 has a SCSI interface, it runs Linux
(irrelevant for this issue but see Tux during the
boot) so you could figure out the AW filesystem
format, build and mount a drive for both systems and
use that to transfer files. I suppose. Try fat32 or
whatever is used in Windows. There's a Windows
application for extracting files from AW archives. I'd
try running it in Wine.
Otherwise, I imagine Ardour to be the most intuitive
solution for realtime recording. The AW will slave to
Ardour MTC which works well as master for multiple
passes of eight track groups. My last tests of Ardour
as the slave weren't successful...it's been awhile.
I would really like to get this working...
otherwise, I've
just blown $700 (RME + yamaha ADAT interface +
for nothing , and I'm back to burning CDs to
tracks between AW and PC.
Are you using an HDR because of mobility?
Any hints appreciated... thanks.
-- steve
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