Malte Steiner <steiner(a)> writes:
Not sure
exactly what you are looking for, but SuperCollider will allow
you to read MIDI, OSC, HID, wiimote etc events and write scripts to
handle them in any way you want to, for instance to send out new MIDI
or OSC events or generate sounds directly.
same goes with Pure Data, all a matter of taste.
Yes, I even thought of adding that comment myself. From what I
understand for most purposes which one of those two applications you
want to use is a matter of taste.
Hi again
What I'm looking for is something where I for a start could make let's
say three knobs, assign two to select up and down, and the third to be
select of the actually number, and send it out to my external device in
I have Pure Data installed but I can't figure howt to do exactly that,
maybe I'm not thinking right ?
Can you give me a hint to get me started ?