On 01/18/2012 12:16 PM, harryhaaren(a)gmail.com wrote:
On , Atte André Jensen <atte(a)email.dk> wrote:
Ok thanks. If I click "File->New
track", wasn't I supposed to get a
new track, looking something like
https://sites.google.com/site/harryhaaren/Home/trackEmpty.png ? Nothing
happens, no output in the terminal from which I ran run.sh...
Strange... could you
check the previous prints to see if you're being
zombified by JACK? That would explain it, as the JACK thread has to
actually insert the track before the GUI will show the new track. There
was a redraw bug in the
gtkmm code for a little bit, perhaps you're on that revision..?
No, I'm not zombified...
atte@blokhus:~/software/Luppp$ ./run.sh
Luppp 2.0
Top() BPM = 127
Creating MASTER AudioTrack ID: -1
Time:process() doing 4th list!
Last used dir = /home/atte
(luppp:5121): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property:
ClipSelector MASTER constructor called!
Rotation = 0 Arc @ 7, -38
Also: I'm developing on a daily basis, usually
just pushing the devel
branch up at the end of the day. If you're encountering problems try this:
git checkout devel
atte@blokhus:~/software/Luppp$ git checkout devel
Branch devel set up to track remote branch devel from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'devel'
That all? Wasn't I supposed to get some new stuff downloaded?
./waf configure
Perhaps you'll run into different bugs that way :D -Harry
It's the same, but not surprising, since I didn't get any new files...
http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk