Yves Potin wrote:
Le 14 Jun à 08:45, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki ecrivait:
Please, everyone interested in specimen's
future, tell me what you need.
Are there outstanding bugs? feature requests? other patches? etc, etc.
Hello, it's great to see that Specimen is still alive, thank you
very much. The lack of a 64 bits version was the reason why I chose a
couple of months ago to stay in 32 bits, and after searching fot a while I
realize that it was you who answerded me something :)
I've a new amd turion (64bit) laptop, so I have some interest in this
should be able to put some effort toward it.
On the other hand, after searching, I've never found a way to
obtain multiple audio outputs, i.e. one for each sample or midi channel. I
don't know if this would be of interest for others..
There isn't a way right now. Thorsten has requested multiple jack-outs
as well. Apparantly Pete wanted this, too, before he zombified. It's on
the wishlist.
Eric Rz.