2010/12/24 Jörn Nettingsmeier <nettings(a)folkwang-hochschule.de>de>:
On 12/25/2010 01:03 AM, Mark Knecht wrote:
Or choose a different WD drive that doesn't
have the problem. I went
for 500GB RAID Edition drives. Faster, WAY longer lifetime, all the
features required for RAID, but a bit more expensive and less space.
what on earth is "raid edition"? makes all my BS indicators flash red...
i can't imagine any special hardware feature "required for raid".
and like faberman remarked in another mail, i really can't see any
reason to buy disks of less than a terabyte these days, as increased
density will almost always imply increased throughput, at identical or
only very slightly increased power consumption.
No, there's no need to see red. It's real stuff. The biggest deal for
RAID is TLER (Time Limited Error Recovery) which makes sure that
drives keep responding so the RAID array doesn't drop the drive
These drives are 7200RPM, which you can probably get in a Green drive
if you look long enough. However they are rated for far more hours of
life also.
- Mark