On Tuesday 16 September 2003 19:44, Rick Taylor wrote:
And Brahms:
{Reviews I've read of Anthem have been pretty good.}
:} None of them mentioned that it didn't have audio support yet,
{From the homepage, it's in the works though.}... and to tell
you the truth... I'm not quite sure if Brahms does or not.
Besides, I'm not sure whether either of them is being actively worked on
any more. The last minor release of Anthem (0.0.17?) was over a year
ago according to its SourceForge page, and the last Brahms snapshot was
an informal one from last October.
I don't want to suggest that either project is actually dead, because
the Rosegarden project used to look dead for several years and it's
very active now... well, okay, maybe it was sort of dead at the time.
Anyway, I guess at least I'd like to know if anyone else here has any
more information about what's happening with either of them.