I've been trying to compile csound on and off for the past two years and
was never really successful: the closest I ever got to a working csound
was a binary which would segfault every other run. So I gave it another
try yesterday and again ran across some difficulties.
Everything goes well enough until the linking stage at which point the
whole things gives up and starts spewing messages such as this one:
main.o(.text+0x341): In function `csoundMain': undefined reference to
Now, it appears that POLL_EVENTS is somehow related to graph generation;
the problem is that I don't have any GUI installed on my system and
therefore don't want to have anything to do with FLTK, TCLTK or X11, and
it seems to be responsible for my problems. My question is: has anyone
ever successfully built csound without the graph generation pieces? Any
hint would be greatly appreciated.
More info:
sources: csound 4.23A from cs.bath.ac.uk
system: Debian (unstable tree)
compiler: gcc version 3.3.1
libc: glibc 2.3.1
# DEFINES: I tried with and without -DRTAUDIO and it didn't do
# much for me.
# [...]
CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer
-finline-functions -funroll-loops -DWITHx87 $(RPM_OPT_FLAGS) $(DEFINES)
# [...]
LIBS = -lm -ldl
S. Massy