El Jue 29 Mar 2007 10:39, Marc-Olivier Barre escribió:
| On 3/29/07, Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica(a)gmail.com> wrote:
| > En este artículo presento una _crítica_ a las exageradas esperanzas
| > puestas en la informática relacionada con el futuro de la música en
| > cuanto a su poder revolucionario.
| >
| > (
| >
| > GNU/Linux Audio Conference en Berlín
| > 28/03/2007
| > Autor: (marcos) Marcos Guglielmetti
| >
| > Los músicos aparentemente están revolucionando la música electrónica con
| > programas y con instrumentos realizados por ellos mismos.
| Hi Marcos,
| Though it is a very good idea to have a copy of your article posted on
| the list, it is a shame that most of us will not be able to understand
| it. Could you provide us with some insight ?
Yes I could, but: it's no so brilliant... ok... and my english is not good
It is a criticize to some optimistic words on this article:
So I am asking
* Could the computing revolution really revolutionize the music?
And I think:
* The noise music tendency into LAC maybe it's just like a copy of the urban
noise from the downtown's big cities: why you should make noise?
and many more thing, but it's too difficult for me to write those things...
* I think that Free Software, as in freedom, gives you a potential total
control over the machines, so: why you should let the machines such power of
creativeness? it's like playing the game of the industrial society, and the
alienation of the workers.
| I'm not asking for a full
| translation, only a summary of the headlines (if you have some spare
| time of course).
| Thanks again for your post, and for this article.
| Regards,
| __________________
| Marc-Olivier Barre,
| Markinoko.
Thanks you ! Maybe a google traslation could help...
Marcos Guglielmetti
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
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