cool, well, Erik's putting libsndfile up on a
public Arch mirror any day
now, so familiarize yourself with Arch if you haven't already (I'm still
getting used to it) and be on the libsndfile mailing list :)
OK, I've just emailed Erik and he tells me 1.0.11 isn't even a gleam in the
eye of the beholder! :) He also says you're spearheading the Ogg support
into libsndfile as he's busy with MingW (Win32) stuff for 1.0.10, etc, etc.
Where would I find the current state of affairs with respect to your
patches/branches of code changes against libsndfile, etc? You
trouble-maker, you. I just so happen to like libsndfile and feel oddly
compelled to return some good karma towards Erik + Co for such a useful
library. I'm as overworked as anyone else out there, but audio software
engineering is an old flame of mine from waaaaay back.
The Lady Galadriel believed in Quality when She took Nenya for her hand,
A focus on Quality.