Jeremy Jongepier wrote:
On 03/02/2011 06:57 PM, Kim Cascone wrote:
As for
tweaking conf
files, at the moment there are very few files you might have to tweak,
/etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf (or /etc/security/limits.conf) for the
necessary permissions, maybe /etc/systcl.conf for some performance gain
and /etc/fstab to add noatime to the necessary mounts.
yeah thanks, been there -
done that -- sorry but that statement right
there is why most people working in music won't come anywhere near Linux
for production
Sorry Kim, I didn't want to sound patronizing :( There are people
working on making it easier to set this up, I've seen some mock-ups for
Ubuntu Studio and Filipe Coelho from KX Studio is working on something
similar too.
The Live CD version of Musix 2.0 handles things very well, including a
bunch of demos that somehow start up assorted synths, drum machines, and
open Rosegarden with a demo file all set up. You click the icon for the
demo on the GUI program tree, the various things open up, then you click
the Start button on RG's Transport bar and everything plays. They have
similar demos for other audio software it comes with. (Musix is made by
musicians, not computer geeks.)
Also, current versions of RG automatically setup RT-related security
permissions when you install RG.
The only live Linux audio distros I've felt the urge to "tweak" were the
many Ubuntu-derivatives that didn't include RT kernels. Mostly
everything just worked.
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