On 10/25/2012 03:43 PM, Simon Wise wrote:
Miller, of puredata fame, just recently spent time
putting together a
RasberryPi image with puredata all set up ... it may have jack set up,
its probably worth taking a looking at it, it was done with the Pi
people involved as well.
By the way, apparently they finally finished negotiations with the chip
suppliers and the whole source for everything has just been released in
the last day or so, making it one of the very few completely FLOSS
solutions out there.
I would imagine their huge sales helped with those negotiations.
Millers image can be found at ...
the 2G one is a compressed version, the uncompressed one is 7.4G
it has a lot of extra stuff,it was for a workshop he ran recently.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the info! I'll buy some other SD cards this afternoon and
give this a go. I've also ordered a 512Mb UK made RPi and some casings
and hope to have a fully functional portable digital guitar amp by the
time of LAC2013.