On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 07:48:27 -0500, Ivica Bukvic wrote:
I am not necessarily interested in defending Artsd
since I myself also
do not care much for it. What I can do is though explain that artsd
supposedly does a lot of other things that the KDE ppl seem interested
in. In other words, chances for us convincing them to switch strictly to
Jack are nil (tried before, as I'm sure some of you did as well, and
pretty much got nowhere). This way at least we get to have JACK as the
backbone of all servers and have KDE still with its architectural
solution intact.
Agreed, I think this is the best thing - existing "bings and beeps" type
apps are unlikly to switch to a JACK style API for the audio i/o, and if
they did they wouldn't be particiaularly happy - JACK does no sample rate
conversion, bit depth changes or any of that stuff (and never will if I
have anything to do with it).
So, the apps dont have to change thier api, but are still compatible with
JACK - thats great. Hopefull it also means that when a consumer audio app
underrruns it wont affect JACK, and the arts server wont block.
- Steve