Great. Will take care of it ASAP.
Please check whether you really have the system tray icon enabled on
qjackctl setup. I don't grok gnome at all, but I remember to test on
fedora core 1 (ccrma) and it was showing up alright on the tray area.
Dunno if it's called "notification area" or whatever on gnome.
of course it was my error. The "enable system tray icon" option was
toggled off. With this option enabled the tray icon shows fine in the
"notofication area" or as an icon on the desktop (when no notification
area is on any panel).
But when the "enable system tray icon" option is off should the hide
button still completely hide it or should it just be minimized in this
case? I would take the latter because if it were hidden w/o system tray
icon it is not restorable anymore.
The modification i posted in the other mail produces this latter
behaviour afaics..
Yes, it has already been taken care of. Thanks for your suggestion. The
menu item text now also reflects this, showing "Hide" or "Minimize"
Already committed to CVS [qjackctl].
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela