Ok guys so here's one (told ya it wouldn't be long before I was yakkin again -
I tried to send this earlier but it might have gone bouncy due to html in
message) - this is for all you MIDI and Ardour experts :)
How about syncing Ardour with MIDI - let's see there's a few different things
I need to do -
1) sync ardour to outside tape source via ADAT sync...I set it to ADAT in
options window, and expect it to wait and play when I play tape, but no cigar
2) sync ardour to outside source via MTC sync - same deal - although if I
play, and then hit stop, the transport marker sort of sits there waitiing and
jiggling - does this mean something?
3) sync Ardour to sequencer inside computer - say rosegarden - via MTC I guess
- whatever works...
anxiously awaiting replies :) thanks, have fun and yay! :)
Aaron Trumm