On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 01:27:36PM -0700, Ken Restivo wrote:
That's beautiful. I particularly enjoyed the beat that emerges at
about 1:22 and continues for the rest of it, and which suggests to
me like a funky bassline might go nicely underneath it.
Thank you!
A bassline is what I will add first. Maybe not much else :)
BTW, if anyone feels like improvising something on that, feel
encouraged to do so and post the result ;)
Other than that, it seems pretty complete to me as a
drum solo.
At one point, I was actually planning to stay with all percussion
and effects. After a few listens I decided there should be something
more to be felt, in 2 senses :)
Thorsten Wilms
Thorwil's Design for Free Software: