No really i
didn't touch nothing and i followed the upper/lower case
from the Sk(a)le.txt who list the files ...
Humm... I'm not sure what you mean by "i followed the upper/lower case
from the Sk(a)le.txt who list the files"?
I tried moving Sk(a)le076wFixed.rh9, Sk(a)leLinux.cfg, KeybLinux.cfg,
Sk(a)le.dat and Default.sks to a new directory and trying it there, all
to the same end. I just get a message about a corrupted skins file.
I guess I'll post a message in the SkaleTracker forums and see what
I can learn.
OK, I got past the corrupted skins problem. From info on the SkaleTracker
form I created a directory called Skins and moved the Default.sks file
there. That solved that problem.
I'm remotely logged in right now, so I'll have to try using the program
later this evening when I'm back. I did bring up a copy quickly under Win XP
here at work. How do you load an example song file into the program?
Anyway, thanks for the help.