On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 09:24:02AM +0200, Christophe Vescovi wrote:
output impedance of at least 1K. The Line in full
scale output is
however 1.5Veff. Since -10dBV = 0.32Veff and +4dBu = 0.775 Veff
No, 0dBu is 0.775V and +4dBu is 1.23Vrms which is close to the
specified input of the SB.
Looks like it's nominal +4dBu input, which would explain everything.
In any case you should consider using a preamp or a
cheap console to
adjust the levels since the SBlive level adjustement is done after
Analog to Digital Conversion, a bad thing.
Agreed; in an earlier message I did suggest conversion in the digital
domain, but amplifying the analog signal is certainly a better solution,
if more expensive.
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