I'm having trouble using timidity from within Rosegarden. I configure Rosegarden to
use timidity as a soft synth, but when I try to play back I can't manage to get any
sound. What is even more confusing is that when I open qjackctl's MIDI connections
dialogue, I see input ports for both Rosegarden and Timidity, but no output ports for
rosegarden are shown. And to make it still even more confusing is that there is a
connection of some sort between the two because if I use the virtual keybd and connect it
to rosegarden's in port, the output plays through timidity.
1) why is there no out port shown for Rosegarden
2) is Rosegarden using some means other than the ALSA Seq interface to connect to
3) since it is apparently connected somehow, why do I only get playback from timidity when
playing something though the Rosegarden in port, while not getting any output when playing
from Rosegarden itself?
I've tried Muse, but it's even more trouble. It segfaults unless I use the -d
option, which makes it pretty useless.
Are there perhaps other midi based sequencers that work better than these that I'm not
aware of?