On Sat, 08 Jul 2006 22:15:23 +0200
Hans <hansfong(a)zonnet.nl> wrote:
Hello everyone,
Maybe not entirely related to music, so forgive me for that. I have been
busy with the following problem for sometime now and I can't seem to
figure it out.
I want to batch create symlinks in the main directory, of all the files
in subdirectories. E.g.
file1.mp3 -> .dir1/file1.mp3
file2.mp3 -> .dir1/file2.mp3
file3.mp3 -> .dir2/file3.mp3
file4.mp3 -> .dir2/file4.mp3
file5.mp3 -> .dir3/file5.mp3
file6.mp3 -> .dir3/file6.mp3
I tried various shell thingies like:
for i in *.mp3; do ln -s --target-directory=../ $i $i; done
in the subdir, or
for i in ./dir1/*.mp3; do ln -s $i $i;done
find . -iname "foo.mp3" -exec ln -s \{\} ./ \;
Or something. This automatically takes care of whitespaces and other
hassles i think.
Palimm Palimm!