Quoting Brett McCoy <idragosani(a)gmail.com>om>:
On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:48 AM, michael noble
<looplog(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Must be that time of year again when slashdotters
get a bee in their bonnet
about how useless Linux is for audio production. Enter at your own risk...
Ha, I stopped reading /. a long time ago. I can see not much has changed...
Same here. It seemed to turn into a cynicism fest in many
circumstances. If this kind of post (no I didn?t go in, I have enough
anger already) is anything special or just the usual I don't know.
However there is a HUGE watershed going on at the moment that
undoubtedly is spilling well beyond the borders of open source land.
Something extraordinary IS happening and I don't see why anyone should
be embarrassed about giving themselves a pat on the back or even
getting others to pat them on that back ! An enormous amount of work
by thousands upon thousands is paying off. The fruits started
happening with Android, despite proprietary drivers (if Google had
refused that none of the mobile phone manufactures would have even
used Android!), then Ubuntu, as well as the less visible internet
servers and embedded technologies. But the one that takes the biscuit
for me is Steam announcing SteamOS. This is going to be a huge change
in what has been a long standing corporate culture of
Microsoft/Nvidia/Intel. Video games are the quintessential example of
the Real Time application. Graphics and sound all running as a real
time application. There's hints of where this is going in things like
the 3D synth by Robert Gareus. Look at the 3D menu / interface that
you can spin around in Borderlands 2. It amazes me that we are not
already using 3D window managers and are still stuck in static 2D land
(go ask Ted Nelson about that).
Where does this take Linux Audio Users ? Well the future is bright.
What's over that horizon ? I've been looking at Blender Game Engine
for doing VJ visuals (it can play full frame video within the game
engine and spin that around a'la a high end vision mixing desk).
Combined with sound who knows what kind of 3D dynamic sound mixing
environments could be created ?
So Linux bashing, go easy on them.
DJ Barney
Brett W. McCoy --
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it,
it would overturn the world."
-- Jelaleddin Rumi
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