On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 11:14:19 -0500, Speaker to Vegetables wrote
I just had to chime in with a metoo on this. Audio
apps on both
Windows and Linux have way too many simulated rotary knobs. I hate
the damned things! At least in Cakewalk HS one can usually ignore
the knob and just type in the right number. Give me either a
straight-line slider or nothing (plus, either way, a text
entry/display box).
The advantage of knobs (that actually work in a rotary fashion) is that you
get built in fine tuning, by dragging the mouse further away from the centre
of the dial.
It's all personal though, myself I'm not too keen on too many numbers all over
the place on a GUI, and prefer visual indications - otherwise I starting
thinking maths instead of music.